Baby Morrison - Gender Reveal Party Photos

Things have been a bit busy here at the Morrison household! In the last year, I have switched companies, doubled my business, and am the happiest I have ever been by operating in a virtual capacity. This free spirit has had to learn how to build systems, which at face value sound dull and boring, but prove to be life giving!

Which brings me to this post today: we are expecting our first child at the end of October!

Baby GIRL will be here before we know it, and I thought I would share with you all the marvelous Gender Reveal Party we hosted. Considering I had no concept of a theme and came up with this on a Thursday and held the party for twenty guests that following Monday, I am quite proud of how it all turned out. Also, decorating a three-tier cake is an art form. Everything baked was vegan and gluten-free. Comment below if you would like for me to share the recipes. :)

I hope you enjoy the photos and find inspiration for your next event. In this case, it was a “Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star” theme.

What are your name ideas for baby Morrison?
Here is the link to our registry if you would like to help is in preparing.

Growing Past Our Limitations

It’s amazing to me when I grow past my own limitations how I see others living within their own. Sure, life isn’t what you would have preferred, but what can you do about it? Work with what you have and make the most of it. If you want something bad enough and it’s God’s will, he will show you the right course, but you also have to put in the faith and hard work to get there. 

There have been many times where through TSW I was tempted to let the condition be the reason I wasn’t effective or an excuse for not meeting my goals. Yet there is a choice within this circumstance: to let it beat me or rise above. 

I don’t know your mindset, but I encourage you today to consider that you are exactly where God wants you to be right now. Ask Him to show you how to glorify him in this season, how to learn and grow from this opportunity, and to help you see what He sees when he looks at you. You are a treasure, have value, and are not forgotten. Your story is one that will inspire others and encourage them in their walk of faith. There is so much opportunity for growth and good things to spring forth: God is the ultimate gardener! 

AND, there’s a great VeggieTales song on this idea...”God is bigger than the boogie man. He’s bigger than Godzilla or the monsters on tv. Oh God is bigger than the boogie man, and He’s watching out for you and me.”

Partner with God and crush your limitations. We are waiting for you to soar. 

P.S. I often use the times of insomnia to write these posts. Try to take every opportunity to make the most of each time I’m awake. We never know how long we have on this earth to make an impact and leave a legacy. 

P.S.S. Can you name which episode this song is from?