I wonder if caterpillars know they are going to become a butterfly. I wonder if they think during the transformation process, "It's not worth it, this is really painful." Yet, as their body breaks down, all of the equipment they need to become a butterfly is revealed. In order to discover their true potential, they had to be broken down. What is interesting is that not only did they have all of the equipment they needed to be a successful butterfly already, but they are unaware of just how magnificent their wings are until they take a leap and soar.
The Israelites wandered 40 years in the desert. Yet in that time God was preparing them for the beautiful blessing they would be to other nations. God was making leaders and testing their hearts. In the desert, the Israelites had to trust God daily to provide manna. They had to follow when things didn't make sense, and probably felt at times that all of it was a waste. After all, camping constantly for 40 years doesn't sound very appealing. How grateful they must have been when they were finally able to call Israel their home. What freedom they must have felt to dream about making a life and giving their homestead to future generations.
Jesus died so that we may have life. He lived a perfect, sinless life. He took our sin upon his shoulders, and gave us a freedom we could never earn. He trusted the will of the Father, even when he was abandoned on the cross. Yet God's glory prevailed, sin was defeated, and death lost its sting. O Hell, where is your victory?
Caterpillars, Israelites, and sinners given life. All must go through what doesn't make sense to see the faithfulness of God. Having faith is obedience, and is one of the largest stepping stones we can take to a more powerful, clear, and unified relationship with a God who loves us so very deeply.
Take a leap: His righteousness will carry your fear, and His glory will surround you with His love. He has good things planned for you ahead. Take courage, have faith, and jump into God's ever loving arms.